
Being called as the spice capital of India, the trading business of spices in Kerala is flourishing very well even today. We are a global leader in Spice trade in terms of Quality & Quantity. The most popular spices in Kerala are Pepper – The black gold, Cloves – The Dentist, Cardamom – The Queen of spices, Ginger – The digestive expert, Turmeric – The natural Antiseptic, Nutmeg- Fruit turned spice, Tamarind – The Indian date & so on. Kerala has held its popularity and position in global markets because of its rich flavor and fragrance.

Black Pepper

Black pepper comes from the berries of the pepper plant. Black pepper, green pepper and white pepper are actually the same fruit (Piper nigrum); the difference in their color depends on the varying processing methods. Large quantities of black/white and green pepper( canned in brine) are exported regularly from India.
We at Concord Green procure the best grade black pepper directly from our own farms and other farms in the locality in Idukki district of Kerala. Black pepper of this region is considered the best in the world and is priced much higher than the produces from other parts of the world.


Cardamom is an exotic spice belonging to the ginger family. Cardamom is one of the most highly priced spices in the world. The cardamom pods are graded according to their size and color. In general, the deeper the green color and the larger the capsule, the higher the grade is.
We have tied up with local producers of Idukki region in Kerala to source all grades of cardamom directly from the plantation. This also helps us to reduce cost and supply the best quality cardamom through out the year.


Nutmeg is a spice made from the seed of the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrant), a native South Asian evergreen tree that is the source of two popular spices: nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg is the inner seed, while mace is the red, lace-like substance that covers the seed. Nutmeg is grown in large quantities in the states of Karnataka and Kerala in India.


Ginger is a flowering tropical plant that grows in China, India, Africa, the Caribbean, and other warm climates. The root of the ginger plant is well-known as a spice and flavoring. Ginger has been purported to exert a variety of powerful therapeutic and preventive effects and has been used for thousands of years for the treatment of hundreds of ailments from colds to cancer.
One of the many health claims attributed to ginger is its purported ability to decrease inflammation, swelling, and pain. The most common and well-established use of ginger throughout history is probably its utilization in alleviating symptoms of nausea and vomiting.


Popularly known as Haldi, this powerful spice is also a go-to option while dealing with numerous health ailments. Whether consumed or applied, its benefits are plentiful. Turmeric roots are used fresh or boiled in water and dried, after which they are ground into a powder. Turmeric powder is sunset-yellow in colour. It has a slightly pungent, bitter flavour and earthy aroma. Turmeric contains curcuminoids like curcumin which is also a powerful anti-oxidant and thus protects our body from free radicals, reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
The anti-oxidant property of curcumin found in turmeric may prevent heart diseases and diabetic cardiovascular complications.