Coir Products
Coir is the natural fibre extracted from the outer husk of coconut and used in products such as floor mats, brushes and mattresses. The husk contains 20% to 30% fibre of varying length. After grinding the husk, the long fibres are removed and used for various industrial purposes, such as rope and mat making. The remaining material, composed of short and medium-length fibres as well as pith tissue, is referred to as waste-grade coir. The waste grade coir may be screened to remove part or all of the fibre, and the remaining product is referred to as coir pith.
The coastal region of Kerala State and Pollachi, produces 60% of the total world supply of white coir fibre. Coir Industry enjoys the status as the largest Cottage Industry in the State of Kerala, giving employment to over a million people.
Coir fibre is 100% natural and eco friendly and used in many industries such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Packaging, Bedding, Flooring and Insulation. Concord Green Projects trade in coir products like Coir mattings, Coir tiles, Rubber backed mats, Coir yarn, Coir fibre, Coir pith, Pith briquette, Geo Textiles, Coir garden pots, Weed control mats, coir basket liners, Coir support poles, Coir brushes and scrubbers.

Advantages of using coir fibre
Moth-proof; resistant to fungi and rot.
Provides excellent insulation against temperature and sound.
Unaffected by moisture and dampness.
Tough and durable.
Resilient; springs back to shape even after constant use.
Totally static free.
Easy to clean.
Ability to soak up 10x its weight in water